

What the feedback said:

In the feedback from my first assessment task, it said “your creation of 3 separate sections within your blog post is all a clever design decision” and although it said this I do think that I could improve the overall layout of my website. The feedback also said “the content is extensively researched” and I also think this could be improved by adding a little more information. The feedback from one of the peer reviews for my first assessment task said “I think his site is absolutely wonderful, although he could have added and edited a few more photos in Photoshop.”

In the feedback from my second assessment task, it said that to improve I should add a slide in my prezi that clearly explains the Sub-tools within the liquify tool. One other improvement it said was that I could add some before and after images using the liquify tool to my prezi. Adding these improvements would make my prezi flow better and easier to understand.

What I plan to do to about the feedback:

First of all to improve my website I am going to improve the layout of my website by adding some widgets (this will make my website easier to navigate). Next I will add a section within my research about various architects throughout history. To improve my gallery within my website I will add some photos that I have found and also add 5 more Photoshop images edited by me.

What I plan to improve in my prezi for the second assessment task is to add some before and after shots of images I have edited using the liquify tool (this will give the viewer some ideas about what they can do when editing their photo). One other thing I plan to do is to improve my Prezi is to add a slide into my prezi that informs the viewer about the sub-tools within the liquify tool (this will make the prezi easier to understand).

What I have done to improve my website and Prezi:

For my website I have improved the following:

  • Gallery (I have added more photos including Photoshopped ones)
  • Blog (In the history section, I have added some information on the various architects throughout history)
  • Overall layout and design (I have added some widgets so that the website functions better)
  • Polls (I have added a few more polls throughout my website to make it more engaging for the viewer)

For my prezi I have improved the following:

  • Sub-Tools (I have made a slide within my Prezi that informs the viewer about the various effects within the liquify tool)
  • Before and after images (I have added some photos that I have manipulated using the liquify tool so that the viewer can visualize what it could look like after)

Overall I think that these changes have made a big difference in my website and Prezi both aesthetically and also to the content.



Were and why architecture was invented:

Architecture began when humans started to farm (previously were hunters and were nomadic) but when humans learnt to farm they were able to build habitats in one spot. This was the true beginning of architecture. Over time humans learnt and developed an understanding of the principles of construction (materials and tools needed and skills acquired e.g. techniques like the wheel so materials could be transported or the invention of the arch). Once humans had developed an understanding of the materials and skills needed to build a stable comfortable shelter or house they began to develop various structures – tombs (to bury people) then monuments (memorials) then palaces (places for kings to govern) then they moved onto shrines or churches (where they worshiped their gods).



If we take a look all the way back to ancient Sumerian and Egyptian architecture and compare it to now there has been numerous changes and developments, but what were the changes? – Well lets have a look at them starting with right with Egyptian Architecture.

Egyptian (3,050 BC – 900 BC)Religion played a big part in the ancient Egyptians’ architecture (Tombs, pyramids etc.).The Egyptians built their housing along The Nile River as it was a great source of water for growing crops and farming animals. Pyramids were one invention that were developed in this era (Pyramids were large, square pyramid – shaped structures that were made as tombs for the powerful rulers). Making a pyramid was very strenuous because in order to build one you needed large and extremely heavy limestone and granite blocks (2.5 tons), but how did they do this? – Well, in fact humans today do not know, but there are many theories. Many believe that the ancient Egyptians put the blocks on wooden sleds or that they wet the sand.


Sumerian (2500 – 1500 BC): This style of architecture was happening around the same time as Egyptian pyramids were developing but the Sumerians (later, Mesopotamia and Persia) were developing a new structure called the ziggurat (a stepped kind of pyramid). Although this structure was similar to the pyramid it was not a tomb, instead it was a man-made mountain that brought the Sumerian rulers and people closer to their Gods (which were thought to be high up in the eastern mountains). Ziggurats were made from clay-fired bricks and sometimes would be given final touches with coloured glazes.

Ziggurat at Ur in Iraq

Greek (700 BC-323 BC): Ancient Greek architecture was known for its (columns, temples, statues, theatres and rectangular buildings). One big innovation in this period was the Doric column (This was a very influential invention as it was reused in many other styles later on). This invention was used for the temples that they built (e.g. the Parthenon in Athens)


Roman (44 BC-476 AD): A great example of ancient roman architecture is the Coliseum (in Rome). Their structures were not only large but they had big dome ceilings that were used in large public spaces. Roman architecture was similar to the earlier classical architecture (Greek and Hellenistic) except it was much more decorative. Concrete was also invented around this time, which allowed the romans to build arches, vaults, and domes.



Byzantine (527 to 565 AD)This architectural style started at Byzantium (now called Istanbul). New techniques were introduced (onion dome, pinnacles, turrets, and the introduction of coloured buildings. Ancient roman architecture evolved into Byzantine architecture which featured detailed mosaics, brick instead of stone and domed roofs but still keeping some classical elements.


Romanesque (800 to 1200 AD)Romanesque architecture began when Rome spread of Europe. Common features of this style were (rounded arches for decoration, development of vaults – barrel vaults and groin vaults, huge doors inset within arches through large walls, Gothic-style towers replacing Byzantine domes, small decorative windows and Christian churches with a floor plan designed around the Latin cross).


Gothic (1100 to 1450 AD): The gothic movement was around the time of the medieval period. It had many innovations that led to taller and more graceful structures (Pointed arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses etc.). All of these new ideas for this time led to large cathedrals like Chartres and Notre Dame that are still around today.


The Renaissance (1400 to 1600 AD)there are many stages of the Renaissance architecture. At the beginning of Italian renaissance architects like Brunelleschi observed the architecture of Ancient Rome to look at the characteristics of the structures that they built (symmetry, shapes, geometry, and proportion etc.). They also look at the common features of classical Roman and Greek architecture (columns, pediments, arches and domes etc.). The spread of the renaissance (across Europe) began around the end of the 15th century. As it spread into France, Spain and Portugal the renaissance was taking over gothic architecture and there was a mix of both styles at this time.


Baroque (1600 to 1830 AD): The Baroque movement was all about grand structures and buildings as the style was mainly symmetrical, dramatic and flamboyant. The wall detail in this movement was a big innovation (architecture started to have more decorations on ceilings, walls and doors).


Rococo (1650 to 1790 AD): This architectural movement was a reaction to the Baroque movement (mainly the harshness of it). Instead it was a lot more fun (more pastel colours, less symmetry very decorative and more romantic). The elegant buildings produced in this time were characterized with (scrolls, vines, shell-shapes, and graceful geometric patterns).



Neoclassicism (1730 – 1925 AD)This movement was very much inspired by ancient Greek and Roman architecture (aspects of these styles that were used included – columns, statues and detailed decorations). It led on to influence many other styles around this time.


Art nouveau (1890 – 1914 AD)Art nouveau started around the late 1800’s when many people (European artists, graphic designers, and architects) were reacting to neo-classical architecture. They thought that a more natural approach would be better. Art nouveau often incorporated asymmetrical shapes, organic shapes, arches and decorative surfaces with curved, plant-like designs into its style.


Antoni Gaudi

Gaudi is an Art nouveau architect that produced many buildings that are still around today (Casa mila, Casa Batilo, Sagrada Familia etc.) His architecture is often characterised by organic, flowing and decorative shapes. Not only are the shapes organic but he also uses organic but bold colours.


Beaux Arts (1895 – 1925 AD)In French Beaux Arts translates to ‘beautiful arts or fine arts’ as the style was very elegant and graceful. Beaux Arts architecture was very symmetrical and grand and its features often included (balconies, columns, wide arches and extravagant decorations – Medallions, flowers etc.).


Neo-gothic (1905 – 1930 AD): Neo-gothic architecture borrowed elements of gothic architecture (gothic style was applied to modern skyscrapers). It often was characterized by (Height, carvings such as gargoyles, pinnacles and pointed windows).


Art deco (1925 – 1937 AD): Art deco was characterized by (zig zag patterns, geometric designs and patterns, sleek forms cubic shapes and forms, bold lines and shapes. One example of a classic art deco building is The Empire State Building (it has geometric shapes and zig zag patterns.


Modernist (1900 – Present): Modernist architecture was all about function (many past styles focused on nature). While Modernist architecture was a reaction against many traditional styles mass production was a big contribution to modernist architecture (commercial building with big flashings logo on them). There were many styles within modernism, some were:

  • Minimalism – (Buildings only included most essential elements, Emphasis was placed on the o frame of the structure, Interior walls were removed, Floor plans were open, Lighting is used to make the lines and planes dramatic, The negative areas around the structure were included in the design.)
  • De stijl – colours used in De stijl architecture were the primary colours (red, yellow and blue) and many shades (blacks whites and greys). De stijl still had a simplistic feel about it and used line a lot in its architecture.
  • Bauhaus – colours used in Bauhaus architecture often were white, gray, beige, or black. It used elements of classical architecture except in a more simple form (no ornamentation). Many features of this style included (no decoration, stone, steel and glass materials, a flat and straight roof and tall skyscrapers with bold shapes).


Post-modernist (1970s – Present): The architectural style was a reaction against modernist architecture. Post-modern architecture borrowed elements form various past styles to create a new style. While post-modernism incorporates traditional form with new concepts it often also incorporates humour in its style. Many post-modern structures include symbols (these make statements or just satisfy the viewer). One example of post-modern architecture is Phillip Johnson’s AT&T building design (it has many characteristics of a modern skyscraper but at the top there is a large pediment).


What role architecture plays:

Architecture has played a massive role in human society. In the early ages (Ancient Egypt) people would make tombs and pyramids. This played a huge role, as it was part of their religion and everyday lives. In Ancient Greek architecture also played a big role (they had theatres, big open areas – as used for the first Olympics ever).

Now, Architecture still plays an immense role in our everyday lives. Besides the fact that architecture gives us good quality shelter (insulation, space, light and aesthetic consideration), it also can be used for purposes such as – educational (e.g. new UTS building designed by Frank Gehry), Commercial and corporate (multinational businesses e.g. Banks) and religious (Churches, Temples, Synagogues and Mosques etc.).


Innovations can give more options when constructing a building. Today there are many new building structures and new innovative ways of making them.


Chau Chak Wing Building: One example of innovative use of architecture is Frank Gehry’s new building design for UTS (University of Technology Sydney). The building will be made out of 380,000 bricks and will have a unique system to keep each brick in place. The building will cost approximately $150 million and it will be for the UTS Business School where 2,390 students and staff will study.


Building construction: Building the structure was very hard as the bricks had to be placed very precisely in order for the building to be stable (sometimes only about 80 bricks would be placed in a day.

Building design: Five brick shapes, designed by Austral bricks will make up the building’s wavy brick exterior. The solution to keeping the bricks in place was a custom-made groove-and-bolt system.

Recent Architectural innovations (materials):

Solar panels: Solar panels are a very effective way of producing sustainable energy. They convert the sun’s energy into electricity (used for light, heating water and powering televisions and other appliances etc.). The idea of sustainable energy is very big and I think we will defiantly see some changes to architecture involving this idea quite a lot in the future.


Cross-laminated timber: Cross-laminated timber is a type of timber that is laminated specially to be strong. It is also good because its light weight.


Self-healing concrete: Cracks in concrete can be big problems. There is now a new form of concrete that uses the sun to fix and heal cracks called ‘Self–healing concrete’. Personally I believe that this is a wonderful invention as it prevents cracks, making structures look unattractive and can also prevent them from possibly falling apart.


Aerogel insulation: This is a new form of insulation (developed by NASA) that is very effective. Not only does it insulate well but it is extremely lightweight. This is a great way of keeping warm without heating (fires – use wood and heaters – use electricity/gas).


Sweating rooftops mats: This is a new innovation that cools buildings through perspiration. The mats are made out of a special polymer and are 5 millimeters thick. There are many ways of heating buildings but not many ways of keeping them cool so I think this is an excellent idea and could potentially be very big.


Innovative Architects: 

Frank Gehry: Frank Gehry is one of America’s most well known architects. He has designed multiple structures that are innovative, interesting and mind-blowing. Some popular ones are – The Dancing House in Prague, The Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto.

The Dancing House Prague Czech Republic

Shigeru Ban: In 2014 architect, Shigeru Ban, won the Pritzker Architecture Prize for his structure entirely made out of cardboard. He has produced many other buildings that are also innovative in their use of materials, patterns incorporated into buildings and overall form and shape of the structures.



Architecture is developing all the time. From classical architecture to now, there have been many innovations and developments to change aesthetics and uses of architecture, but what does the future hold for architecture? One big topic is sustainable and environmentally friendly architecture. Today there are inventions that follow this concept (solar panels, recycles materials, aerogel insulation etc.). I think it is possible that we could see some new innovations and changes in the near future.


Many of the architectural innovations have had impacts on society and the environment. The impact of architecture and its innovation has is very significant. Every day there are new buildings being produced and these are having impacts society and the environment.

Positive effects on society:

  • Innovations that are environmentally friendly such as solar panels are a viable option for people to choose for their energy source. These innovations have persuaded people to be more eco-friendly when using energy or simply even turning on a heater.
  • Lower costs (when using sustainable energy)
  • Use sustainable energy
  • Saving structures from falling apart (self healing concrete – cracks can lead to this)
  • Less costs in maintenance (self –healing concrete)

Negative effects on society:

  • Cost of materials can be expensive
  • Jobs (people who work in the traditional coal mine industries and might have to switch or change jobs)
  • Older buildings cannot always be retro-fitted with the new innovations e.g. sweating roof could not be put in to an already existing roof structure

Positive effects on environment:

  • Sustainable use of raw materials e.g. cross laminated timber
  • Using less energy e.g. sweating roof technology means less need for air-conditioning, which uses lots of energy.
  • Using solar panels means clean energy is produced instead of carbon producing energy (e.g. coal)

Negative effects on environment:

  • Materials used to make some innovations (e.g. polymer production used in aerogel insulation) can produce unwanted by products
  • Cutting down trees e.g. cross-laminated timber (even plantation timber can effect the environment because when the trees are cut down the soil loses it nutrients and can effect further growth of natural plant life)

raw logs for processing

The impact of architectural innovations in my life:

The holiday house that my family and me go to every year is fully powered by solar and wind energy. This has given me an awareness of how much carbon is produced (educational) and has helped me, and my family to think more about our carbon footprint. Some new houses are designed so that they are passive solar houses (keep cool in summer and warm in winter) – the holiday house that I stay at on South Stradbroke Island has been designed to be passive solar. This allows me to go into a beautiful environment and be comfortable in it (keep warm or cool). Overall architecture has a significant impact on my life. Architecture is everywhere in the built environment (education, housing, commercial architecture, theaters, churches, historical structures etc.) and it is always changing and developing. It plays a big part in everyone’s life.





  • Eco-action buildings of the future (by Angela Royston)
  • Sydney architecture (by Paul McGillick and Patrick Bingham-Hall
  • Architectural excellence in a diverse world culture (by William T. Baker)
  • Art through the ages (by Helen Gardner)
  • Great architecture of the world (by John J. Norwich and Sir Nikolaus Pevsner)


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